Saturday, March 6, 2010

Liz Cheney upsets some Conservatives

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She said the DOJ cannot be trusted. Of course she meant Obama's DOJ!

Some Conservatives said he attack was offensive, viscous, unfounded, outrageous, and wrong!

The Power Line blog used such words as viscous and unfounded:

" is entirely inappropriate to suggest that these lawyers share the values of the terrorists."

A former Bush White House lawyer said, and I quote:

...The video is entirely offensive...It's beyond a cheap shot to suggest that a lawyer is an Al-Qaeda sympathizer because he advocates a detainees position in the Supreme Court."

Peter Keisler a former Bush Attorney General is quoted in the NY Times as saying:

..."It's wrong to suggest that people who sough judicial review are somehow sympathetic to Al-Qaeda."

The Bush Pentagon Chief Prosecutor Col. Morris Davis weighs in with this comment:

"It is absolutely outrageous for the Cheney-Grassley to try and tar and feather them(DOJ). If you zealously represent a client, there is nothing shameful about that...That is the American way!"

What has said was so offensive to some Conservatives that even Bill O'Reilly disagrees with her!

Of course this is just the Conservatives! Imagine how liberals feel about this as well.

Rush: Pelosi is a terriorist

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Hate speak such as this is dangerous! I can see violence happening before long.

Palin said Fox is fair and balanced

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She has her talking points down doesn't she!

Hannity said Palin is smarter than Obama

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Come on! I can't believe he said that!

Back blogging

I have been following the political discussion from the time I quit blogging up to now. I have had enough of the Republicans fear mongering and obstruction!

I plan on blogging daily by using exerpts from some of the blogs I go to daily as well as some of the shows I watch religously on MSNBC!

I hope will enjoy the blog.