Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Darrell Issa uses the death of Tim Russert to justify oil drilling

“We are going to miss Tim Russert when it comes to the people on both sides of the issue of why we have $5 oil - $5 gasoline and $135 oil. I think Tim Russert would have been just the right guy to hold people accountable, who would talk about the 68 million acres that are, quote, inactive, while in fact 41 million are under current lease and use and are producing millions of barrels of oil and natural gas a day…

…So, Madam Speaker, I am going to miss Tim Russert because this debate is too important not to have a fact-oriented, unbiased moderator who could in fact bring to bear the truth that we need to have.”

Is there anything that Republicans won't use for their policital advantage? The soldiers, 9-11, fear of terrorists strikes, telling people that Obmama is something he is not? And now, Tim Russert.

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