Friday, June 29, 2007

Congress letter to Bush: Close Guantanamo

WASHINGTON — A group of 145 members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to President Bush on Friday urging him to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and move the detainees there to military prisons in the United States.

"The closure of the detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay would represent a positive first step toward restoring our international reputation as the leader of democracy and individual rights," the letter said.

The House members, all but one Democrats, also called for restoring Guantanamo prisoners' right to challenge their detention in court. "This will allow for the implementation of fair and transparent trials to bring enemies of our country to justice," they wrote. The lone Republican was Rep. Walter B. Jones of North Carolina.

The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to review whether the detainees should be able to go to federal court to challenge their confinement.

The White House has been considering closing the prison at Guantanamo and transferring the detainees. About 375 prisoners are held at the facility, and many of them have been there for more than five years. Few have been charged with crimes. Most are held because they've been determined to be a security threat to the United States.

Complete article

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