Sunday, June 29, 2008
Afghanistan War
LA Times:
A roadside bomb killed three service members and a local-national interpreter in a coalition convoy in eastern Afghanistan, the U.S.-led coalition said.
With the deaths, the number of foreign forces in Afghanistan killed in June has reached 39, the highest monthly toll of the war, according to a CNN count of official figures.
The bombing occurred Thursday in the Sayed Abad District in Wardak province during a combat patrol.
LA Times:
Insurgent activity is increasing sharply in Afghanistan and has spread into once stable areas, with attacks up almost 40% in the eastern provinces alone, according to new American military data that have prompted alarm among senior Pentagon officials.
Rising attacks against Afghan and NATO troops in the east represent the latest in a series of troubling developments that have led to markedly higher U.S. casualties and have prompted the military’s top leadership to order a review of its strategy in Afghanistan, including how to make do with limited numbers of American troops.
Morning Joe: Obama Advisor Sets Scarborough Straight On Bush’s Diplomatic Failures
Joe pretends to be a middle of the road kind of guy, but when he gets punked, especially by a Democrat, it drives him crazy and his true, far-right colors always come through. As Rice goes down the laundry list of Bush failures, Joe gets snippy with her, and even stoops so low as to hurl an insult at Jimmy Carter in the process. NBC’s David Gregory chimes in at the end of the segment and drops a question on Rice that was pulled directly from Karl Rove’s playbook:
Gregory: “Hello, Susan. While we are talking about the prospect of nuclear terrorism, which is what is behind the concerns of North Korea and Iran. I have a broader question for you and really for Senator Obama. Why is it, does he believe that America has not been attacked in this country by terrorists since 9/11? And does George W. Bush, President Bush deserve credit for that?”
Rice: “I think what we have to acknowledge, David, that we haven’t been attacked but we are nonetheless less safe as a sequence of the policies of this administration has pursued. Our standing in the world is at an all-time low. Al Qaeda is more dangerous now in Afghanistan and Pakistan than it has been. Our intelligence community is warning they are reconstituting and more deadly to U.S. forces than Iraq.”
Pakistani city could fall to Islamic militants
From Canada's Globe and Mail:
President Bush and the neocons dream to spread democracy in the Middle East is going quite well, don't you think? Can you see my hint of sarcasm?
Security around Peshawar, the provincial capital in northwest Pakistan, has been dramatically stepped up amid fears that the city could fall to heavily armed Islamic militants who have now massed around its outskirts.
From three sides, Peshawar, which borders Pakistan's wild tribal belt, is menaced by Taliban groups and other warlords.
If Peshawar is taken over by extremists, the rest of the North West Frontier Province is also threatened, raising the possibility that religious fundamentalists may gain control of a state on Afghanistan's border. The drama in Peshawar reinforces existing doubts about the new Pakistani government's policy of pulling back the army and seeking peace deals with militants.
President Bush and the neocons dream to spread democracy in the Middle East is going quite well, don't you think? Can you see my hint of sarcasm?
McCain: I ‘Don’t See How It Matters’ That I Don’t Know The Price Of Gas
OC Register Q & A with John McCain:
People may communicate with him effectively, but he is not listening. It is not sinking in. How can a leader, know how to deal with an issue if he doesn't know the price of gas is over $4.00 a gallon? The price of gas is not an issue for him because he never pays for it directly! He is so rich, it doesn't matter to him.
Remember when he proposed the gas tax holiday because he realized people are hurting. How can he know people are hurting if he is not aware that gas is $4.00 a gallon?
WICKSOL: When was the last time you pumped your own gas and how much did it cost?
MCCAIN: Oh, I don’t remember. Now there’s Secret Service protection. But I’ve done it for many, many years. I don’t recall and frankly, I don’t see how it matters.
I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of town hall meetings, many as short a time ago as yesterday. I communicate with the people and they communicate with me very effectively.
People may communicate with him effectively, but he is not listening. It is not sinking in. How can a leader, know how to deal with an issue if he doesn't know the price of gas is over $4.00 a gallon? The price of gas is not an issue for him because he never pays for it directly! He is so rich, it doesn't matter to him.
Remember when he proposed the gas tax holiday because he realized people are hurting. How can he know people are hurting if he is not aware that gas is $4.00 a gallon?
Cheney ‘tried to block North Korea nuclear deal.
The Telegraph:
Vice President Dick Cheney fought furiously to block efforts by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to strike a controversial US compromise deal with North Korea over the communist state’s nuclear programme, the Telegraph has learned.
“The exchanges between Cheney’s office and Rice’s people at State got very testy. But ultimately Condi had the President’s ear and persuaded him that his legacy would be stronger if they reached a deal with Pyongyang,” said a Pentagon adviser who was briefed on the battle.
McCain and Obama: What is the gravest threat to the U.S. economy?
So John is saying be very afraid. He has no answer on oil or the economy. So he uses fear of future attack to answer everything. Reminds me of Rudy.
The absolute gravest threat is the struggle that we're in against radical Islamic extremism which can affect - if they prevail - our very existence. Having said that, I would say that at this moment it's probably our dependence on foreign oil, affecting our climate and hurting fixed-income Americans the most.
So John is saying be very afraid. He has no answer on oil or the economy. So he uses fear of future attack to answer everything. Reminds me of Rudy.
If we don't get a handle on our energy policy, it is possible that the kinds of trends we've seen over the last year will just continue. Demand is clearly outstripping supply. It's not a problem we can drill our way out of. It can be a drag on our economy for a very long time unless we take steps to innovate and invest in alternative fuels. The market can accomplish a lot of that, but it's very important for the federal government to have a role.
McCains Defaulted On Home Taxes For Last Four Years, Newsweek Reports
When you're poor, it can be hard to pay the bills. When you're rich, it's hard to keep track of all the bills that need paying. It's a lesson Cindy McCain learned the hard way when NEWSWEEK raised questions about an overdue property-tax bill on a La Jolla, Calif., property owned by a trust that she oversees. Mrs. McCain is a beer heiress with an estimated $100 million fortune and, along with her husband, she owns at least seven properties, including condos in California and Arizona. [...]
Shortly after NEWSWEEK inquired about the matter, the McCain aide e-mailed a receipt dated Friday, June 27, confirming payment by the trust to San Diego County in the amount of $6,744.42. County officials say the trust still owes an additional $1,742 for this year, an amount that is overdue and will go into default July 1. Told of the outstanding $1,742, the aide said: "The trust has paid all bills shown owing as of today and will pay all other bills due."
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Chris Matthews: Terrorist Tape Came From Obama -- Er, Osama -- Headquarters
I don't think Chris meant to say Obama. It truly was a mistake he made. He does this all of the time. He stammers, and uses the wrong words, and that is normal for any human.
So why did I post the video?
There are people out there trying to connect Obama with the radical Islamists! Even John Mccain said a spokesman for Hamas supports Obama as the possible President of the U.S.
Look for these same groups to now quote Chris Matthews, and see he believes the lies being told as well!
Richard Cohen: Overlook McCain's gaffes and flip flops because he was a former prisoner of war
In his article in the Washington Post, Richard Cohen lists 6 things that John McCain has recently flip flopped on. They are:
Actually in all due respect to John Cohen, McCain has flip flopped on 42 issues! So, Mr. Cohen was being very kind to John McCain by listing just 6 of the flip flops! However, the flip flops are not the point I am getting at for this blog. The point is, he goes on to defend McCain and all of his gaffes and flip flops because:
So let me get this straight. It is OK for McCain to be unclear about issues. It's OK for McCain to confuse the ethnic groups fighting for control in Iraq. It is OK for McCain to endorse Bush policy that has been detrimental to the citizens of not only the U.S., but all in the Middle East as well! He is saying give the guy a break because he was a prisoner of war!
How far did this get John Kerry in 04? He had metals for his service in past wars. Yet the Right swift boated him every chance they got!
I feel for John McCain. What he went through as a prisoner was something I do not ever want to experience on a personal level. That being said, I also want someone in office that has not changed his views on important items some 42 times. How many more times will he change? What is going to stop him, if he gets elected to change his mind again on promises he is making to the American people?
We are suppose to overlook all of this because Mr. Cohen says John was a former prisoner of war?
- Immigration
- Tax cuts for the wealthy
- Campaign spending (as it applies to use of his wife's corporate airplane)
- Offshore drilling
- He has denounced then embraced certain ministers of medieval views
- Changed his mind about the Confederate flag
Actually in all due respect to John Cohen, McCain has flip flopped on 42 issues! So, Mr. Cohen was being very kind to John McCain by listing just 6 of the flip flops! However, the flip flops are not the point I am getting at for this blog. The point is, he goes on to defend McCain and all of his gaffes and flip flops because:
McCain is a known commodity. It’s not just that he’s been around a long time and staked out positions antithetical to those of his Republican base. It’s also — and more important — that we know his bottom line. As his North Vietnamese captors found out, there is only so far he will go, and then his pride or his sense of honor takes over. This — not just his candor and nonstop verbosity on the Straight Talk Express — is what commends him to so many journalists.
Obama might have a similar bottom line, core principles for which, in some sense, he is willing to die. If so, we don’t know what they are. Nothing so far in his life approaches McCain’s decision to refuse repatriation as a POW so as to deny his jailers a propaganda coup. In fact, there is scant evidence the Illinois senator takes positions that challenge his base or otherwise threaten him politically. That’s why his reversal on campaign financing and his transparently false justification of it matter more than similar acts by McCain.
So let me get this straight. It is OK for McCain to be unclear about issues. It's OK for McCain to confuse the ethnic groups fighting for control in Iraq. It is OK for McCain to endorse Bush policy that has been detrimental to the citizens of not only the U.S., but all in the Middle East as well! He is saying give the guy a break because he was a prisoner of war!
How far did this get John Kerry in 04? He had metals for his service in past wars. Yet the Right swift boated him every chance they got!
I feel for John McCain. What he went through as a prisoner was something I do not ever want to experience on a personal level. That being said, I also want someone in office that has not changed his views on important items some 42 times. How many more times will he change? What is going to stop him, if he gets elected to change his mind again on promises he is making to the American people?
We are suppose to overlook all of this because Mr. Cohen says John was a former prisoner of war?
McCain connects war policies to current oil and gas prices
Listen to his statement he made. What, exactly is he saying? It is really unclear as to what he means. To me he is connecting the two wars to current prices of gas and oil. He did this before, and his staff argued he wasn't talking about current policies, but rather past and future policies. However, it looks to me that this time he is trying to connect the two! Tell me what you think.
Clarke: Charlie Black Basically Said To Terrorists, ‘Yes You Can Manipulate Our Politics, Come And Do It’
CLARKE: Well, Charlie Black knows a lot about politics but he doesn’t know much about terrorism. If he did, he would know that Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and all the al Qaeda leadership, watch U.S. politics very closely. We’ve even had cases where in interviews, bin Laden quoted opinion polls from European public opinion polls.
So, yes, they understand that they can manipulate politics as they tried to in the Spanish election with the attacks there. And to say, “Yes, you can manipulate our politics, come and do it,” is an invitation that the McCain campaign shouldn’t be anywhere near.
I want to know something else about this statement. Besides inviting terriorists to come in and kill Americans ths in in essence affect the election, how would that help McCain? Wouldn't that mean that McCain failed to keep America safe?
Wouldn't that also mean, Republicans want Americans killed for political gain?
Limbaugh: ‘Democrats Will Bend Over, Grab The Ankles, Say Have Your Way With Me’ To Blacks And Gays
CALLER: Hello. I want to know how the Republicans don’t need Christians and conservatives, and they think we’re 30 percent. Twelve percent black people in the population. Ten percent — they claim — homosexuals in the population. Rush, honey, when did 30 percent get to be a small number?
LIMBAUGH: I don’t — I think it’s actually larger than 30 percent. But let me see if I can get your question right. You want to know why the Republicans are willing to say, “Screw you,” to 30 percent or more of their voters and yet Democrats will bend over, grab the ankles, and say, “Have your way with me,” for 10 percent and 2 percent of the population?
CALLER: Delicately, yes.
Listen here. Audio is from Media Matters.
DNC files suit against McCain's illegal campaign finance scheme
From the DNC:
I don't know about you, but I am getting tired of all of the conservative McCain backers pointing at Obama and what he did with campaign financing! Yet, MSM has given McCain a free ride on what he did!
Only recently have I noticed Democrats, Joe Biden for example on MTP mention McCain and his loan to stay in the Presidential Race!
Washington, DC -The Democratic National Committee today filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in D.C. to compel the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to investigate John McCain's decision to unilaterally withdraw from the FEC's matching funds program despite using the program to financially benefit his campaign - just one of many McCain campaign improprieties. To view a copy of the DNC's lawsuit, please visit [here].
John McCain talks about setting a new standard for "transparency and accountability" yet when it comes to his campaign, he doesn't seem to think the rules apply to him. First, he used taxpayer dollars to secure a loan to keep his campaign afloat in the primary, a move that's clearly against the law. Then the Wall Street Journal reported that McCain refused to pay for his campaign's use of a corporate jet - again against the law - and last week, his trip to Canada came under question for possible violations of federal law.
"Whether it's using a taxpayer funded loan to keep his campaign afloat, refusing to reimburse for his campaign's use of a corporate jet, or violating federal laws on a foreign campaign trip, John McCain has shown an increasingly troubling pattern of impropriety," said Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean. "John McCain tries to brand himself as a reformer but how can the American people believe he'll change Washington when it's clear he thinks the rules apply to everyone but him? We had enough of that with the Bush Administration. We don't need it again with John McCain."
In order to receive matching funds, John McCain signed a binding agreement with the FEC to accept spending limits and to abide by the conditions of receiving those funds. The FEC requires that any request to withdraw from the agreement must be granted by the FEC. FEC Chairman David Mason made this clear in a letter to McCain advising him that the law requires the FEC to approve his request to withdraw from his contract - a move McCain ignored and cost Mason his job.
According to past Commission rulings, the McCain campaign would not be allowed to withdraw from matching funds because it already violated a key condition for being let out of the program - pledging matching funds as collateral for a private loan. McCain obtained a $4 million line of credit -- drew $2,971,697 from it - and documents make clear that the promise of public financing was used to secure his loan.
On February 25, 2008, the DNC filed a complaint with the FEC calling on the Commission to investigate whether the McCain campaign is breaking the law by ignoring spending limits in the primary.The FEC has failed to act within 120 days, so the DNC is now asking the court to require the Commission to act on the original administrative complaint. Now that it appears that the Senate is on track to approve the needed FEC nominations, the DNC is also making clear that this should be on the top of the FEC's agenda.
I don't know about you, but I am getting tired of all of the conservative McCain backers pointing at Obama and what he did with campaign financing! Yet, MSM has given McCain a free ride on what he did!
Only recently have I noticed Democrats, Joe Biden for example on MTP mention McCain and his loan to stay in the Presidential Race!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
John McCain wants you to feel good about offshore drilling
You have to see this. He knows that drilling now will not provide relief. He even knows that the oil companies are exploiting the drill areas hey have now. In other words they arent drilling! So what is his answer to the problem? Give them yet more areas to drill even though they won't actually drill there!
He wants the consumer to feel like this will accomplish something, when in actuality it will not.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bush fails to get a hello
Raleigh, North Carolina with two guys waiting for Marine One to land. The President disembarks, he waves hello to them and...nothing. So he then tries a bigger wave! Nothing! Eventually he gives up and continues to walk off of the screen.
Classic. Twenty-six percent approval rating!
Worse Person Bronze Goes to John Bolton
From Countdown Friday, June 20, 2008.
What he is really saying is, those are the best outcomes if Obama is elected President. In other words, there will be things much worse than these if Barack were to be in office.
Keith brought up a very good point on his show. Wasnt the attack on the world trade centers on George W. Bush's watch? Things that make you go hmmmm.
John Bolton telling John Gibson, "The election of Barack Obama would simply be a replay of the Clinton Administration. It will simply have more embassy bombings, more bombings of our warships like the Cole, and more trade center attacks. That would be the best outcome of that perspective."
What he is really saying is, those are the best outcomes if Obama is elected President. In other words, there will be things much worse than these if Barack were to be in office.
Keith brought up a very good point on his show. Wasnt the attack on the world trade centers on George W. Bush's watch? Things that make you go hmmmm.
Bolton: Israel Will Attack Iran After U.S. Election But Before Inauguration, Arab States Will Be ‘Delighted’
This morning on Fox News as was the Bill Kristol comment.
Bolton then concluded that Arab states would be excited if the U.S. or Israel attacked Iran:
So let me get this straight. If McCain is President, none of this will happen. On the other hand if Obmama is President, be afraid. Bush will leave him with yet another war.
I think if they [Israel] are to do anything, the most likely period is after our elections and before the inauguration of the next President. I don’t think they will do anything before our election because they don’t want to affect it. And they’d have to make a judgment whether to go during the remainder of President Bush’s term in office or wait for his successor.
Bolton then concluded that Arab states would be excited if the U.S. or Israel attacked Iran:
I don’t think you’d hear the Arab states say this publicly, but they would be delighted if the United States or Israel destroyed the Iranian nuclear weapons capability.
So let me get this straight. If McCain is President, none of this will happen. On the other hand if Obmama is President, be afraid. Bush will leave him with yet another war.
Kristol says Bush might bomb Iran if he thinks Obama will win
Kristol. I think honestly, if the president felt John McCain were going to be the next president he would think it more appropriate to let the next president make that decision than do it on his way out. I do wonder with Sen. Obama, if president Bush thinks Sen, Obama win does he somehow think that, does he worry that Obama won’t follow through on the policy…
WALLACE: So, you’re suggesting that he might in fact, if Obama’s going to win the election, either before or after the election—launch a military strike?
Kristol: I don’t know. I think he would worry about it. On the other hand, you can’t, it’s hard to make foreign policy based on guesses about election results…
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Obama: 'They're going to try to make you afraid of me'
At a Florida fundraiser yesterday, Barack Obama spoke bluntly about the campaign ahead. "They're going to try to make you afraid of me," he told attendees. "He's young and inexperienced and he's got a funny name. And did I mention he's black?"
Rep. Brown-Waite: Offshore drilling is a ‘life-or-death decision.’
From GOP.Gov:
Senior citizens living on fixed incomes won’t be able to afford their air conditioning bills, putting their lives at risk from heat stroke and dehydration. To these people, whether or not we expand domestic energy supplies could very well mean a life-or-death decision.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Obama on FISA
'Compromise' ...
"Given the grave threats that we face, our national security agencies must have the capability to gather intelligence and track down terrorists before they strike, while respecting the rule of law and the privacy and civil liberties of the American people. There is also little doubt that the Bush Administration, with the cooperation of major telecommunications companies, has abused that authority and undermined the Constitution by intercepting the communications of innocent Americans without their knowledge or the required court orders.
"That is why last year I opposed the so-called Protect America Act, which expanded the surveillance powers of the government without sufficient independent oversight to protect the privacy and civil liberties of innocent Americans. I have also opposed the granting of retroactive immunity to those who were allegedly complicit in acts of illegal spying in the past.
"After months of negotiation, the House today passed a compromise that, while far from perfect, is a marked improvement over last year's Protect America Act.
"Under this compromise legislation, an important tool in the fight against terrorism will continue, but the President's illegal program of warrantless surveillance will be over. It restores FISA and existing criminal wiretap statutes as the exclusive means to conduct surveillance - making it clear that the President cannot circumvent the law and disregard the civil liberties of the American people. It also firmly re-establishes basic judicial oversight over all domestic surveillance in the future. It does, however, grant retroactive immunity, and I will work in the Senate to remove this provision so that we can seek full accountability for past offenses. But this compromise guarantees a thorough review by the Inspectors General of our national security agencies to determine what took place in the past, and ensures that there will be accountability going forward. By demanding oversight and accountability, a grassroots movement of Americans has helped yield a bill that is far better than the Protect America Act.
"It is not all that I would want. But given the legitimate threats we face, providing effective intelligence collection tools with appropriate safeguards is too important to delay. So I support the compromise, but do so with a firm pledge that as President, I will carefully monitor the program, review the report by the Inspectors General, and work with the Congress to take any additional steps I deem necessary to protect the lives - and the liberty - of the American people."
Lamar Smith Compares McClellan To Judas, Declares ‘It’s Hard To Take Mr. McClellan Too Seriously’
SMITH: Welcome to the House Judicary Committee’s first book-of-the-month-club meeting. I propose that next time we consider Ann Coulter’s book, “How To Talk To A Liberal If You Must.” It’s hard to take Mr. McClellan or this hearing too seriously. … Scott McClellan alone will have to wrestle with whether it was worth selling out the president and his friends for a few pieces of silver.
McCain: I 'Didn't Love America' Until Held Prisoner
Republicans have pounded Michelle Obama over what she said about being proud of America for the first time. Yet, John McCain has said he didn't love America! Not once, but several times! If this had been Michelle, oh man!
Why are the Republicans silent on this?
Dobbs: Impeach Bush Over Tomatoes
You know, I have heard a lot of reasons over the years as to why George W. Bush should be impeached. For them to leave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this state, its leadership in this sorry condition and to have no capacity apparently or will to protect the American consumer - that is alone to me sufficient reason to impeach a president who has made this agency possible and has ripped its guts out in its ability to protect the American consumer. It's insane what is going on here.
Taken from his show on CNN.
Verdict: Jonathan Alter Points Out Right-Wing Hypocrisy Over Michelle Obama’s Comments
I watched this exchange live last night, and I was appalled! Lars Larson was so blinded by his talking points that he could not not see the hypocrasy!
Jonathon Alter:
Jonathon Alter:
ALTER: Yeah, you’re saying…you’re just talking trash and nonsense. And it’s a slur, and it’s really, it’s frankly kind of appalling that you and others would stoop to this level, because it’s not true. You don’t know Michelle Obama; you haven’t spoken to her as I have. To many of her friends: black, white, many different people…let me just quickly try to dispense with this. You’re taking her out of context intentionally. You’re trying to twist her words for your own political purposes. It’s low and it’s borderline racist.
Newsweek poll: Obama leads McCain by 15
Much more than 6 or 7 points!
This is very good news if you don't want a Republican in the White House. I don't know about you, but I had grown tired of seeing most MSM make a big deal of Obama's lead of "just 6 or 7 points." I even saw one pundit on one of the talk shows, defend the numbers when it was about 9 or 10. He said it is more likely 5 or 6. Yeah right. Deny all you want. This is the year the Democrats take back the White House.
A new NEWSWEEK Poll shows that he has a substantial double-digit lead, 51 percent to 36 percent, over McCain among registered voters nationwide.
In the previous NEWSWEEK Poll, completed in late May when Clinton was still fighting him hard for the Democratic nomination, Obama managed no better than a 46 percent tie with McCain....
The latest numbers on voter dissatisfaction suggest that Obama may enjoy more than one bounce. The new poll finds that only 14 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with the direction of the country. That matches the previous low point on this measure recorded in June 1992, when a brief recession contributed to Bill Clinton's victory over Bush's father, incumbent George H.W. Bush. Overall, voters see Obama as the preferred agent of "change" by a margin of 51 percent to 27 percent. Younger voters, in particular, are more likely to see Obama that way: those 18 to 39 favor the Illinois senator by 66 percent to 27 percent. The two candidates are statistically tied among older voters.
Obama's current lead also reflects the large party-identification advantage the Democrats now enjoy—55 percent of all voters call themselves Democrats or say they lean toward the party while just 36 percent call themselves Republicans or lean that way.
This is very good news if you don't want a Republican in the White House. I don't know about you, but I had grown tired of seeing most MSM make a big deal of Obama's lead of "just 6 or 7 points." I even saw one pundit on one of the talk shows, defend the numbers when it was about 9 or 10. He said it is more likely 5 or 6. Yeah right. Deny all you want. This is the year the Democrats take back the White House.
McClellan: Bush should come clean about Plame leak. Lot of suspicion surrounding Cheney's involvement.
Former presidential spokesman Scott McClellan on Friday said President Bush has lost the public's trust by failing to open up about his administration's mistakes and backtracking on a promise to tell all about the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity.
"This White House promised or assured the American people that at some point when this was behind us they would talk publicly about it. And they have refused to," McClellan told the House Judiciary Committee. "And that's why I think more than any other reason we are here today and the suspicion still remains."
The former White House press secretary suggested that Bush could do much to redeem his credibility on the Plame matter and his reasons for going to war in Iraq if he would embrace "openness and candor and then constantly strive to build trust across the aisle."
The source is Yahoo News.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Reality Check: McCain Presidential Campaign Ad in Minnesota
Irag war is very unpopular in Minnesota.
55% say it is more important to bring troops home than to win the war.
36% say it is more important to win the war.
The subject of Iraq ranks a distant second to the economy. Main issue is the economy 50%. Only 17% say it is the Iraq war.
Reality check adds it is true that McCain has been a harsh critic on how the war has been waged, he still supported the invasion of Iraq. And he opposes any American troop withdrawl until the country can govern itself safely.
The ad highlights McCains family tradition of military service. An apperant attempt to contrast himself with Barack Obama while not appearing too hawkish.
Here is what you need to know according to Reality Check:
McCain's ad is running in 10 battleground states that inclues, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. States in which the 2004 Presidential race was very close. These are states that McCain thinks he could win.
Kucinich Vows More Impeachment Articles On the Way
Mary Ann Akers of the Washington Post Reports:
Kucinich tells us he's giving the House Judiciary Committee 30 days to act on his resolution proposing 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush or else he'll raise even more hell on the House floor. Thirty-five articles was just the tip of the iceberg. If Judiciary does nothing, he'll go back to the House floor next month armed with nearly twice as many articles.
"The minute the leadership said 'this is dead on arrival' I said that I hope they believe in life after death; because I'm coming back with it," Kucinich vowed in an interview with the Sleuth this week. "It's not gonna die. Because I'll come back with more articles. Not 35, but perhaps 60 articles."
Exxon, oil giants prepared to sign no-bid oil deals in Iraq.
New York Times reports:
I felt all along that the war in Iraq was not about WMD's or terrorism, or to spread democracy. It was for two reasons, and two reasons only.
The no-bid contracts are unusual for the industry, and the offers prevailed over others by more than 40 companies, including companies in Russia, China and India […]
There was suspicion among many in the Arab world and among parts of the American public that the United States had gone to war in Iraq precisely to secure the oil wealth these contracts seek to extract. The Bush administration has said that the war was necessary to combat terrorism. It is not clear what role the United States played in awarding the contracts; there are still American advisers to Iraq’s Oil Ministry.
I felt all along that the war in Iraq was not about WMD's or terrorism, or to spread democracy. It was for two reasons, and two reasons only.
- They wanted to kill his daddy. His, referring to George W. Bush.
- Oil. It is no coincident that both Bush and Cheney are oilmen, and the price of oil has doubled in less than 8 years.
Biden vs. Giuliani on terror
It's no surprise that it takes a man with zero national security and foreign policy experience to defend the policies of John McCain and President Bush. The facts are that the policies of of President Bush has pursued and Senator McCain would continue to have not made us safer. ...In fact, terrorism around the world have increased since 9-11.
Joe Biden is the chairman on the Foreign Relations Committee.
In the video Obama answered the Republican claims that Obama by abiding by the Constitution wants to use a law enforcement policy only in fighting terrorism said:
"...Confident that our system of justice and our rule of law if strong enough to deal with terrorists. Senator McCain does not. That is not the same as saying we give the detainees the same priviledges affored American citizens. I never said that, the Supreme Court never said that, and I would never do that as President of the United States. So, either Senator McCain's campaign doesn't understand what the court decided, or they are distorting my position which is we need not throw away 200 years of American judice prudence while we fight terrorism. We need not choose between our most deeply held values, and keeping this nation safe."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Huckabee: Demonizing Obama is a ‘fatal mistake’
CNN Political Ticker
"Republicans will make a fundamental if not fatal mistake if they seek to win the election by demonizing Barack Obama," Huckabee told reporters in Tokyo, according to a report by Agence France-Presse.
"Republicans will make a fundamental if not fatal mistake if they seek to win the election by demonizing Barack Obama," Huckabee told reporters in Tokyo, according to a report by Agence France-Presse.
Christ joins McCain in flip-flopping on offshore drilling
From CNBC News:
Gov. Charlie Crist has dropped his long-standing support for the federal government's ban on offshore oil drilling and endorsed Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting John McCain's proposal to let states decide....
Last year, Crist had urged federal lawmakers to reject legislation, which they did, that would have allowed drilling as close as 45 miles off Florida's beaches. He also supported the moratorium during his 2006 campaign for governor.
Most Florida politicians have opposed drilling because they fear it would harm beaches vital to the state's tourism economy and interfere with weapons testing and training in and over the Gulf of Mexico by Florida military bases.
Darrell Issa uses the death of Tim Russert to justify oil drilling
“We are going to miss Tim Russert when it comes to the people on both sides of the issue of why we have $5 oil - $5 gasoline and $135 oil. I think Tim Russert would have been just the right guy to hold people accountable, who would talk about the 68 million acres that are, quote, inactive, while in fact 41 million are under current lease and use and are producing millions of barrels of oil and natural gas a day…
…So, Madam Speaker, I am going to miss Tim Russert because this debate is too important not to have a fact-oriented, unbiased moderator who could in fact bring to bear the truth that we need to have.”
Is there anything that Republicans won't use for their policital advantage? The soldiers, 9-11, fear of terrorists strikes, telling people that Obmama is something he is not? And now, Tim Russert.
…So, Madam Speaker, I am going to miss Tim Russert because this debate is too important not to have a fact-oriented, unbiased moderator who could in fact bring to bear the truth that we need to have.”
Is there anything that Republicans won't use for their policital advantage? The soldiers, 9-11, fear of terrorists strikes, telling people that Obmama is something he is not? And now, Tim Russert.
Wash Post catches McCain campaign lying about 9/11
They lit into Obama yesterday, trying to portray him as bad on terror, but the thing is, they did it by lying. And the Washington Post caught them.
Here is what Team McCain claimed:
Here is what actually happened:
If John McCain is suppose to be so strong on national security, why does he feel the need to lie to us? Why did the Bush administration lie to us? To me that is not strength, that is weakness.
Here is what Team McCain claimed:
Tuesday, the McCain team drew a direct line between the prosecution of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, saying that submitting the bombers to the criminal justice system was, in the words of former Navy secretary and 9/11 Commission member John Lehman, "a material cause" of the 2001 attacks. Lehman participated in the McCain conference call.
Lehman said grand jury evidence in the 1993 bombing was "put under seal" and not made available to the CIA, thus denying the agency timely access to information that "would have enabled many of the dots to be connected well before 9/11 and . . . give a good chance to have prevented" the later attack. In particular, he cited information concerning a connection between Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged ringleader of the 2001 attacks who is imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, and the bombing.
Here is what actually happened:
But both the report of the 9/11 Commission, which investigated intelligence failures leading to the 2001 strikes, and the prosecutor of the 1993 case disagreed with Lehman's version of history. The commission's final report, which Lehman endorsed as a member of the panel, gives no indication that any failure to share information on the bombing with the intelligence community had "significance for the story of 9/11."
Instead, the report cites political and intelligence failures to understand the scope of the terrorist threat after the 1993 attack, as well as a failure to fully analyze the implications of the available information. It also blames the FBI and the CIA for failing to effectively communicate with each other, problems that were later addressed in the USA Patriot Act and the reorganization of the intelligence community.
Grand jury secrecy "could have operated in these cases as a barrier to information flowing from law enforcement to intelligence," former U.S. attorney Mary Jo White, who successfully prosecuted six major terrorism cases including the 1993 bombing, said Tuesday. But, she added, "as a matter of fact it did not."
White and several people involved in the 9/11 Commission disputed Lehman's assertion that "the CIA was not allowed to see that evidence." Lehman also described then-CIA Director George J. Tenet as "flabbergasted at what he found in that material" once it was made available to him. But Tenet made no such claim in his 2007 book.
Far from being unknown to the intelligence community, Mohammed was indicted in January 1996 in connection with a plot to blow up transpacific airliners. The congressional joint inquiry on the Sept. 11 plot strongly suggested that the intelligence community was well aware of Mohammed's terrorist activities, but that agencies were unduly focused on apprehending him in the airline case rather than on other plots still in the planning stages.
If John McCain is suppose to be so strong on national security, why does he feel the need to lie to us? Why did the Bush administration lie to us? To me that is not strength, that is weakness.
Ron Paul: Osama bin Laden loves what we have done
Paul said it’s “irrelevant” to him who wins the election in November, because “whether it’s Obama or McCain, from my point of view, there’s not a whole lot of difference.”
Paul strongly supported the recent Supreme Court decision giving habeas corpus rights to Guantanamo inmates and criticized McCain’s comments on it, saying, “If you’d call that court ruling ‘naive,’ you’d have to call the Founding Fathers naive.”
“We’re looking for trouble,” Paul continued. “Why are we going into these foreign countries arresting people? … There’s more hostility towards us, more enemies than ever before.”
“We don’t understand exactly why the hostility is directed toward us,” Paul continued. “We think it’s being directed toward us because we’re free and prosperous — and it has nothing to do with why there’s a band of criminal, crazy people who want to kill us. … They’re very, very weak, desperate people, and if we don’t understand that and we declare war against the world, all we’re going to do is create a greater threat. Al Qaeda is bigger than ever before.”
Obama beats McCain in EVERY Swing State
From the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute:
* Florida: Obama edges McCain 47 - 43 percent;
* Ohio: Obama tops McCain 48 - 42 percent;
* Pennsylvania: Obama leads McCain 52 - 40 percent.
While Democrats support the idea, independent voters in each state say Obama should not choose Sen. Clinton as his vice presidential running mate. Results are:
* Florida: Democrats want Clinton on the ticket 57 - 33 percent while Republicans are opposed 59 - 17 percent and independents oppose it 46 - 37 percent;
* Ohio: Democrats want Clinton for Vice President 58 - 31 percent, but Republicans say no 60 - 19 percent and independents turn thumbs down 47 - 31 percent;
* Pennsylvania: Democrats say yes to Clinton 60 - 31 percent, while Republicans say no 63 - 20 percent and independents nix the idea 49 - 36 percent.
"One in five voters say McCain's age is a reason to vote against him. But overwhelmingly they don't see Obama's race as a factor at all - indicating that Americans are either much less concerned with race, or just don't want to tell callers what they really think on the subject."
President Bush's approval ratings are:
* 27 - 66 percent in Florida;
* 22 - 71 percent in Ohio;
* 24 - 72 percent in Pennsylvania.
Fifty to 58 percent of voters in each state list the economy as the most important issue in deciding how they will vote.
* Florida: Obama edges McCain 47 - 43 percent;
* Ohio: Obama tops McCain 48 - 42 percent;
* Pennsylvania: Obama leads McCain 52 - 40 percent.
While Democrats support the idea, independent voters in each state say Obama should not choose Sen. Clinton as his vice presidential running mate. Results are:
* Florida: Democrats want Clinton on the ticket 57 - 33 percent while Republicans are opposed 59 - 17 percent and independents oppose it 46 - 37 percent;
* Ohio: Democrats want Clinton for Vice President 58 - 31 percent, but Republicans say no 60 - 19 percent and independents turn thumbs down 47 - 31 percent;
* Pennsylvania: Democrats say yes to Clinton 60 - 31 percent, while Republicans say no 63 - 20 percent and independents nix the idea 49 - 36 percent.
"One in five voters say McCain's age is a reason to vote against him. But overwhelmingly they don't see Obama's race as a factor at all - indicating that Americans are either much less concerned with race, or just don't want to tell callers what they really think on the subject."
President Bush's approval ratings are:
* 27 - 66 percent in Florida;
* 22 - 71 percent in Ohio;
* 24 - 72 percent in Pennsylvania.
Fifty to 58 percent of voters in each state list the economy as the most important issue in deciding how they will vote.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
GOP convention button asks, ‘If Obama is president…will we still call it the White House?’
Hume Twists Quote From Obama’s Half-Brother, Claims He ‘Is Not So Sure’ Obama Is A Christian
HUME: Barack Obama is a practicing Christian, married in a Christian church whose children were also baptized in that church. His campaign has emphasized his faith in part to dispel what the campaign calls an on-line smear campaign which contends among other things that Obama was raised a Muslim. There is even a statement on his official campaign Web site reading, “Obama has never been a Muslim and is a committed Christian.”
But Obama’s half brother is not so sure. Malik Obama tells The Jerusalem Post that, “if elected his brother will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background.”
Amazing. Barack is a Christian. Always has been.
But Obama’s half brother is not so sure. Malik Obama tells The Jerusalem Post that, “if elected his brother will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background.”
Amazing. Barack is a Christian. Always has been.
Beck: ‘It Is Approaching Treason’ To Elect A Progressive Congress
MATALIN: But the data is explicit and it’s clear. By voluntary emissions reductions, our — our emissions are reduced here in the United States under Bush’s plan. And where it was mandatory, they are not reduced. […] We could — we could do nuclear here. France — France has 80 percent of its energy from nuclear…
BECK: We’re not going to! We’re not going to. None of these candidates will do it. We’re going to get a progressive Congress — I swear to you. It is — it is approaching treason with these people in Washington. You know it and I know it, and every single American knows.
Since when do the Republicans have the monopoly on how the country is ran?
GOP tactics the reason bin Laden is still free
The Raw Story:
He said they "helped to engineer the distraction of the war in Iraq at a time when we could have pinned down the people who actually committed 9-11." He said Osama bin Laden is still at large in part because of their failed strategies.
"What they are trying to do is what they've done every election cycle, which is to use terrorism as a club to make the American people afraid – to win elections," Tapper quoted Obama.
"They are not serious about this," continued Obama. "Because if they wanted to have a serious conversation about it then they would know for example that the issue of habeas corpus is not designed to free prisoners; what it's designed to do is make sure that prisoners who are being held have at least one shot to say, 'I'm being held wrongly.'"
He said they "helped to engineer the distraction of the war in Iraq at a time when we could have pinned down the people who actually committed 9-11." He said Osama bin Laden is still at large in part because of their failed strategies.
"What they are trying to do is what they've done every election cycle, which is to use terrorism as a club to make the American people afraid – to win elections," Tapper quoted Obama.
"They are not serious about this," continued Obama. "Because if they wanted to have a serious conversation about it then they would know for example that the issue of habeas corpus is not designed to free prisoners; what it's designed to do is make sure that prisoners who are being held have at least one shot to say, 'I'm being held wrongly.'"
McCain wants to lift ban on offshore drilling
"The stakes are high for our citizens and for our economy," McCain said at a press conference Tuesday in Houston, Texas.
"And with gasoline running at more than $4 a barrel ... a gallon ... I wish ... $4 a gallon, many do not have the luxury of waiting on the far-off plans of futurists and politicians," he said.
"We have proven oil reserves of at least 21 billion barrels in the United States. But a broad federal moratorium stands in the way of energy exploration and production. And I believe it is time for the federal government to lift these restrictions and to put our own reserves to use."
"The stakes are high for our citizens and for our economy," McCain said at a press conference Tuesday in Houston, Texas.
"And with gasoline running at more than $4 a barrel ... a gallon ... I wish ... $4 a gallon, many do not have the luxury of waiting on the far-off plans of futurists and politicians," he said.
"We have proven oil reserves of at least 21 billion barrels in the United States. But a broad federal moratorium stands in the way of energy exploration and production. And I believe it is time for the federal government to lift these restrictions and to put our own reserves to use."
Former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias explains why he was fired by the Bush administration.
“They wanted us to file politically oriented prosecutions instead of just doing what our normal job is, which is enforce Federal law,” Iglesias stated, explaining that Justice Department higher-ups asked the US Attorneys “to file voter fraud prosecutions when the evidence wasn’t there beyond a reasonable doubt. It wasn’t just me. It was a guy in Missouri and it was a guy in Seattle, Washington.”
“What about the other 86 US Attorneys?” Stewart asked. “Are they doing those cases?”
“I want to give my colleagues the benefit of the doubt, with a couple of exceptions,” Igelsias replied cautiously. He mentioned former interim US Attorney Bradley Schlozman, who “could end up getting indicted” because “he rushed some voter fraud — ‘voter fraud’ — right before the election. … We can’t do that.”
“Talk about this other,” prompted Stewart. “There’s a case in Alabama, with the former governor of Alabama, Siegelman, who’s a Democrat, who was thrown in jail on charges brought up by the US Attorney’s office and then just let go.”
“Which is incredibly rare,” commented Iglesias. “Courts of appeal almost never release somebody while they’re serving time. … The court of appeals over in Alabama let Siegelman out — which tells me, really weak evidence.”
Iglesias then suggested it might be possible to go after the Justice Department officials who were ultimately responsible by “using the model we used against the Mob in the 60’s. You find a small fish, you threaten prosecution, you roll them, they give up the bigger fish.”
“It’s fascinating to know that we’re going to be treating this administration like the Gambinos,” remarked Stewart.
Stewart ended by asking Igleaias, “Is the greatest disappointment for you that you were a guy who believed in what they were doing? … Do you feel betrayed in that sense?”
“I thought I was working with the Jedi Knights and I was working for the Sith Lords,” Iglesias acknowledged, as the audience broke into applause.
“For the audience for this show, you could not have used a better example,” Stewart concluded. “I will see you at Comic-Con 2009.”
Remember Bush ran on two things when he was seeking the white house.
1. To bring honor and integrity back to the white house.
2. To unite the congress not divide.
Seems to me those were just words to get him elected.
Amazing! Pundits keep mentioning that Obama has just a 6 point lead over McCain and it should be larger; however, judging by all of the rumors about him the last few months, it is amazing that he is even the Democratic candidate!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Perot: "The economic crisis facing America today is far greater than anything since the Great Depression."
He is launching a nonpartisan website to discuss our economic situation.
He describes his site in this way:
The American people must wake up and face the reality that promises made in the past will soon bankrupt this nation. These problems are explained in an easy-to-understand chart presentation discussed further at the bottom of this page. Comments to the charts and other material described to the right are encouraged.
To go to his new website click on the link below.
He describes his site in this way:
The American people must wake up and face the reality that promises made in the past will soon bankrupt this nation. These problems are explained in an easy-to-understand chart presentation discussed further at the bottom of this page. Comments to the charts and other material described to the right are encouraged.
To go to his new website click on the link below.
Gore endorses Obama
Al Gore says he is backing Barack Obama and will do whatever he can to help him get to the White House.
The former vice president’s full letter is reprinted below:
Dear Friend,
A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama. From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.
Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges — including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America.
This moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action.
That’s why I am asking you to join me in showing your support by making a contribution to this campaign today:
Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill. It begins when people stand up and take action.
With the help of millions of supporters like you, Barack Obama will bring the change we so desperately need in order to solve our country’s most pressing problems.
If you’ve already contributed to this campaign, I ask that you consider making another contribution right now. If you haven’t, please take the next step and own a piece of this campaign today:
On the issues that matter most, Barack Obama is clearly the right choice to lead our nation.
We have a lot of work to do in the next few months to elect Barack Obama president, and it begins by making a contribution to this campaign today.
Thank you for joining me,
Al Gore
The former vice president’s full letter is reprinted below:
Dear Friend,
A few hours from now I will step on stage in Detroit, Michigan to announce my support for Senator Barack Obama. From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.
Over the next four years, we are going to face many difficult challenges — including bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our economy, and solving the climate crisis. Barack Obama is clearly the candidate best able to solve these problems and bring change to America.
This moment and this election are too important to let pass without taking action.
That’s why I am asking you to join me in showing your support by making a contribution to this campaign today:
Over the past 18 months, Barack Obama has united a movement. He knows change does not come from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Capitol Hill. It begins when people stand up and take action.
With the help of millions of supporters like you, Barack Obama will bring the change we so desperately need in order to solve our country’s most pressing problems.
If you’ve already contributed to this campaign, I ask that you consider making another contribution right now. If you haven’t, please take the next step and own a piece of this campaign today:
On the issues that matter most, Barack Obama is clearly the right choice to lead our nation.
We have a lot of work to do in the next few months to elect Barack Obama president, and it begins by making a contribution to this campaign today.
Thank you for joining me,
Al Gore
Hillary backer Lanny Davis joins Fox News
Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post:
"Fox has always treated me with respect and given me a chance to express my point of view," Davis says of the network that the Democratic candidates refused to grant a debate out of concern that it favors Republicans. He will be a frequent guest, along with such Fox stalwarts as Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich.
A relentless surrogate for Hillary Clinton, Davis says, he felt "ganged up on" during appearances on the other cable channels. He says that Clinton was "demonized" by MSNBC's Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, and that CNN's primary-night panels were tilted toward the Obama side.
"Does Fox have a conservative slant on some of their programs? Yes," Davis says. "They're giving me a chance to provide a counterpoint, and that's all I can ask."
Barack Obama's Father's Day Speech
The second thing we need to do as fathers is pass along the value of empathy to our children. Not sympathy, but empathy – the ability to stand in somebody else’s shoes; to look at the world through their eyes. Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in “us,” that we forget about our obligations to one another. There’s a culture in our society that says remembering these obligations is somehow soft – that we can’t show weakness, and so therefore we can’t show kindness.
But our young boys and girls see that. They see when you are ignoring or mistreating your wife. They see when you are inconsiderate at home; or when you are distant; or when you are thinking only of yourself. And so it’s no surprise when we see that behavior in our schools or on our streets. That’s why we pass on the values of empathy and kindness to our children by living them. We need to show our kids that you’re not strong by putting other people down – you’re strong by lifting them up. That’s our responsibility as fathers.
And by the way – it’s a responsibility that also extends to Washington. Because if fathers are doing their part; if they’re taking our responsibilities seriously to be there for their children, and set high expectations for them, and instill in them a sense of excellence and empathy, then our government should meet them halfway.
McCain cancels event with fundraiser who compared rape to the weather.
ABC News:
Update from Houston Chronicle:
But Saturday afternoon, the McCain campaign told the Houston Chronicle that the Midland event had been postponed until this summer and would be held in a public venue.
The old bob and weave.
Sen. John McCain on Friday abruptly cancelled a Monday fundraiser that had been scheduled at the home of a Texas oilman, after ABC News contacted the campaign inquiring about a verbal blunder the Texan made during an unsuccessful 1990 campaign for governor.
Clayton Williams stirred controversy during his 1990 campaign for governor of Texas with a botched attempt at humor in which he compared rape to weather. Within earshot of a reporter, Williams said: “As long as it’s inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”
Update from Houston Chronicle:
But Saturday afternoon, the McCain campaign told the Houston Chronicle that the Midland event had been postponed until this summer and would be held in a public venue.
The old bob and weave.
Gingrich: Supreme Court decision will ‘cost us a city.’
This court decision is a disaster, which could cost us a city. And the debate ought to be about whether you’re prepared to lose an American city on behalf of five lawyers — it was a five to four decision. … That ought to be a principled argument between McCain and Obama, about whether or not you’re prepared to allow any random, nutcake district judge who has no knowledge of national security to set the rules for terrorists.
I am going out on a limb. It is election time. More fear is needed from the right. They can't argue against the ruling other than we will lose a city. Just throw it out there to scare people to get your way.
George Will: Americans are economically better off today than they were eight years ago.
Yes he is talking about the average American!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Engel: There Have Been Five Wars In Iraq
He said of the five wars, the US has won just one them!
Yesterday on the Daily Show, he disputed the right-wing claim that the United States is winning in Iraq:
STEWART: What’s our record in these five wars? […]
ENGEL: Maybe we’re 1-4.
STEWART: We’re 1-4 now. What are the five wars?
ENGEL: The shock and awe — the invasion. Then the nation-building phase, which had mixed results, dissolving the Iraqi army. Then an insurgency, then a civil war, then the surge, where violence has gone down dramatically. We’re about to face a sixth war — the exit strategy — and we have to figure out how to make that one a success.
He also said although the surge is strategically working militarily, “the larger strategic question of stability in Iraq is one that is still unresolved.”
Iraqis Reject Security Agreement Draft
From CNN'Michael Ware:
WARE: What we’re also hearing from the Iraqi government is they may go it alone, using a hangover snippet of law left over from the original American occupation authority of Paul Bremer.
They could create their own legislation in their own Congress or Parliament, and thereby dictate to America what U.S. troops can and cannot do in this country, where they can go, where they must stay, and how many you’re allowed to have. So you may see the Iraqis taking over this war, and you may see a lot of U.S. gains being drawn back.
WARE: What we’re also hearing from the Iraqi government is they may go it alone, using a hangover snippet of law left over from the original American occupation authority of Paul Bremer.
They could create their own legislation in their own Congress or Parliament, and thereby dictate to America what U.S. troops can and cannot do in this country, where they can go, where they must stay, and how many you’re allowed to have. So you may see the Iraqis taking over this war, and you may see a lot of U.S. gains being drawn back.
Bush gives OK for oil companies to pester polar bears
Last month, the Bush administration declared polar bears a threatened species because of global warming.
This month, the administration gave permission for companies to “annoy and potentially harm them in the pursuit of oil and natural gas,” the Associated Press reported Saturday.
This month, the administration gave permission for companies to “annoy and potentially harm them in the pursuit of oil and natural gas,” the Associated Press reported Saturday.
Al-Sadr Supporters Encouraged to Boycott Elections
Washington Post:
The movement of anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said Saturday that it would not take part in provincial elections this year, one day after it formed a new paramilitary group to fight U.S. troops.
The back-to-back moves suggested that Sadr is trying to bolster his position as the chief opponent of both the American troops in the country and the Iraqi government, following a year in which he ordered his Mahdi Army militia to observe a cease-fire and moved deeper into the political process.
Sadr's aides said he is recalibrating his strategy as the American military drawdown transforms the U.S. role in Iraq.
"We don't want anybody to blame us or consider us part of this government while it is allowing the country to be under occupation," said Liwa Smeisim, head of the Sadr movement's political committee.
The movement of anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said Saturday that it would not take part in provincial elections this year, one day after it formed a new paramilitary group to fight U.S. troops.
The back-to-back moves suggested that Sadr is trying to bolster his position as the chief opponent of both the American troops in the country and the Iraqi government, following a year in which he ordered his Mahdi Army militia to observe a cease-fire and moved deeper into the political process.
Sadr's aides said he is recalibrating his strategy as the American military drawdown transforms the U.S. role in Iraq.
"We don't want anybody to blame us or consider us part of this government while it is allowing the country to be under occupation," said Liwa Smeisim, head of the Sadr movement's political committee.
McCain Campaign Manager’s Alleged Russian Mob Ties
Justin Rood of ABC News:
John McCain’s presidential campaign is blasting a New York Times report suggesting that the candidate may have known since 2005 that his campaign manager’s firm worked for a Kremlin-backed politician.
The McCain campaign is strongly denying the paper’s reporting that in 2005, a White House National Security Council staffer called John McCain’s Senate office to complain that Rick Davis’ lobbying firm was “undercutting American policy on Ukraine” by representing a Kremlin-backed politician.
The Bush White House — and McCain opposed Yanukovich, whom the United States and others had accused of election fraud, and benefiting from violence and intimidation towards journalists.
McCain’s campaign categorically denied that Davis was involved in his firm’s work for the Ukranian politician did not prepare briefings for U.S. officials or lawmakers, did not schedule meetings involving Yanukovich, did not draft talking points, and did not make phone calls on Yanukovich’s behalf.[..]
If the account of the NSC staffer’s call is true, it suggests McCain should have known about the work by Davis’ business — but installed him as campaign manager anyway. McCain’s campaign, which had earlier referred a New York Times reporter to McCain’s Senate office, now disputes that such a phone call ever happened.[..]
The story also raises the possibility that Davis’ firm may have violated the anti-espionage Foreign Agents Registration Act, by failing to register work for Yanukovich with the U.S. government.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Pat Buchanan’s “Exotic” Code Words
Taken from The Verdict:
Buchanan: The only way the Republicans can win this — when everyone wants to throw the Republicans out — is to raise questions, raise doubts about the alternative. They’re gonna use his associations, and they’re gonna use his statements, his elitism, they’re gonna use the fact that hes exotic. That’s what’s gonna happen.
Acker: Exotic? What does exotic mean? Is exotic code for black? I dont understand what exotic means.
I want to know what "exotic" means as well! I think we all know.
Buchanan: The only way the Republicans can win this — when everyone wants to throw the Republicans out — is to raise questions, raise doubts about the alternative. They’re gonna use his associations, and they’re gonna use his statements, his elitism, they’re gonna use the fact that hes exotic. That’s what’s gonna happen.
Acker: Exotic? What does exotic mean? Is exotic code for black? I dont understand what exotic means.
I want to know what "exotic" means as well! I think we all know.
McCain: I never supported Social Security privatization.
Except for the time I was for it in 2004.
Is he a liar or does he have it confused? For the McCain apologists, I want to make clear I am in no way referring to his age. Young people can be confused. Young people can be liars.
Someone find out if John knows there is YouTube these days.
Is he a liar or does he have it confused? For the McCain apologists, I want to make clear I am in no way referring to his age. Young people can be confused. Young people can be liars.
Someone find out if John knows there is YouTube these days.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
John McCain: ’I can’t be a referee’
GOP presidential contender John McCainsays he can't control every attack ad aimed at Democrat Barack Obama and fully expects he'll face a similar barrage, sounding the bell for a raucous general election brawl.
"I can't be a referee of every spot run on television," McCain told the Herald in an exclusive interview. "I admire Sen. Obama and his accomplishments, but we all know there are groups who want to attack me."
The Arizona senator's hands-off posture on attack ads by now-infamous tax-free and unaccountable political groups called 527s marks a softening of his view on the negative campaign tactic -- and opens the door to a no-holds-barred five-month scramble.
This is bull. He should be able to stop them, but won't.
What does this say about a possible commander and chief? He can't control outside groups from attacking? If outside groups don't respect him, how can he demand respect from others once he is presiden?
As I said, truth is, he doesn't want them to stop. And they won't.
Slime Machine Continues
Michelle Obama Says “Whitey” On a Tape. Sigh...
There is no tape. Yet, they know what they are doing. Some uneducated and gullable people will believe it it true if it gets repeated often enough!
There is no tape. Yet, they know what they are doing. Some uneducated and gullable people will believe it it true if it gets repeated often enough!
Fox: Producer ‘exercised poor judgment’ with ‘Obama’s baby mama’ chyron.

Poor judgement is right, however, they don't care. They care that some people are outraged about it. If no one said anything, then their purpose for posting the words would have worked! What words am I referring to? "Stop picking on Obmama's Baby Mama."
That phrase is racists. It means “the mother of your child(ren), whom you did not marry and with whom you are not currently involved.”
McCain Stacks Fox News 'Town Hall' With Supporters

The news item here is not the fact that Johm McCain had a town hall meeting. He loves them and holds them quite often. The news is the out and out lie he told! What was the lie? The forum was "billed by the McCain campaign as a town hall with independent and Democratic voters," but Fox News noted at the end that the audience was actually "made up of invited guests and supporters." In other words Republicans.
McClellan on Letterman
LETTERMAN: My feeling about Cheney–and also Bush, but especially Cheney—is he just couldn’t care less about Americans. And that the same is true of George Bush. And all they really want to do is somehow kiss up to the oil people so they can get some great annuity when they’re out of office. “There you go, Dick, nice job. There’s a couple of billion for your troubles.” ( applause ) I mean, he pretty much put Halliburton in business, and the outsourcing of the military resources to private mercenary groups, and so forth. Is there any humanity in either of these guys?
McCLELLAN: Look, I still have personal affection for the President. I can’t speak to the Vice President’s thinking that well because he’s someone that keeps things to himself and he believes in doing it his way, and he doesn’t care what anybody else thinks. He is going to do the way he feels is best—and that’s not always in the best interest of this country, as we’ve seen.
McCLELLAN: Look, I still have personal affection for the President. I can’t speak to the Vice President’s thinking that well because he’s someone that keeps things to himself and he believes in doing it his way, and he doesn’t care what anybody else thinks. He is going to do the way he feels is best—and that’s not always in the best interest of this country, as we’ve seen.
Supreme Court rules Gitmo detainees can challenge their detention.
The AP reports:
“Foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have rights under the Constitution to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts.”
Bush and the Republicans cannot blame the democrats on this one.
The justices, in a 5-4 ruling Thursday, handed the Bush administration its third setback at the high court since 2004 over its treatment of prisoners who are being held indefinitely and without charges at the U.S. naval base in Cuba.
It was not immediately clear whether this ruling, unlike the first two, would lead to prompt hearings for the detainees, some of whom have been held more than 6 years. Roughly 270 men remain at the island prison, classified as enemy combatants and held on suspicion of terrorism or links to al-Qaida and the Taliban.
“Foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have rights under the Constitution to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts.”
Bush and the Republicans cannot blame the democrats on this one.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
McCain using "bitter" remarks
He wasted no time in using Obama's "bitter" remarks.
“We’re going to go to the small towns in Pennsylvania and I’m gonna to tell them I don’t agree with Senator Obama that they cling to their religion and the Constitution because they’re bitter.”
“We’re going to go to the small towns in Pennsylvania and I’m gonna to tell them I don’t agree with Senator Obama that they cling to their religion and the Constitution because they’re bitter.”
McCain Praised Carter in 1999
Yet another flip-flop.
In a May 1999 interview with The Hill newspaper, on the occasion of his first presidential run, McCain was asked to opine on the recent occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In his written reply, McCain described Carter as having had:
In his brief response to the question, McCain also said that while the Iranian hostage crisis:
So am I to conclude that Obama too has the greatest, the noblest, and loftiest intentions to be President? Even more so that McCain himself?
I think what John said was not a gaffe because a large percentage of the voters today were not alive when Jimmy was President. John, in my opinion, was trying to compare Obama to Carter to scare the Jewish voters in this nation! Remember, Carter and Israel are not on the best of terms right now!
In a May 1999 interview with The Hill newspaper, on the occasion of his first presidential run, McCain was asked to opine on the recent occupants of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In his written reply, McCain described Carter as having had:
"the greatest, the noblest and loftiest intentions of any president, but he never really understood how to use the institution to obtain his goals."
In his brief response to the question, McCain also said that while the Iranian hostage crisis:
"brought him down and conveyed to the people he was a weak president. Whether he was or not, that's [debatable]."
So am I to conclude that Obama too has the greatest, the noblest, and loftiest intentions to be President? Even more so that McCain himself?
I think what John said was not a gaffe because a large percentage of the voters today were not alive when Jimmy was President. John, in my opinion, was trying to compare Obama to Carter to scare the Jewish voters in this nation! Remember, Carter and Israel are not on the best of terms right now!
Washington Times’ Tony Blankley: Obama might be a ‘dictator.’
In the Washington Times today, former Newt Gingrich aid Tony Blankley tries to cast Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) as a potential “dictator” in waiting. Claiming that Obama made a “shockingly dictatorial assertion” last month when he said Americans can’t expect to be considered world leaders while still driving SUVs and eating “as much as we want,” Blankley asks if he is a “dictator or democrat?“:
More fear mongering from the right. Do not be confused, all this is, is an effort by the right to paint Obama as a Liberal as if that is a bad word.
Dictator or democrat? Radical or liberal? Who in the world is this man? Where in the world is the responsible media? What’s going on?
More fear mongering from the right. Do not be confused, all this is, is an effort by the right to paint Obama as a Liberal as if that is a bad word.
Sen. Biden Responds to McCain’s Iraq Comment
"Senator McCain's comment is evidence that he is totally out of touch with the needs of our troops and the national security needs of our nation. I think many of our brave soldiers and their families would disagree that it's 'not too important' when they come home.
Harry Reid response to: Bringing home troops not too important
"McCain's statement today that withdrawing troops doesn't matter is a crystal clear indicator that he just doesn't get the grave national-security consequences of staying the course - Osama bin Laden is freely plotting attacks, our efforts in Afghanistan are undermanned, and our military readiness has been dangerously diminished. We need a smart change in strategy to make America more secure, not a commitment to indefinitely keep our troops in an intractable civil war."
Limbaugh’s Work For George Bush Pays Off: Cousin Now A Federal Judge
WASHINGTON—The Senate unanimously confirmed Stephen Limbaugh Jr. to the federal court in St. Louis Tuesday.
Limbaugh, currently a Missouri Supreme Court judge, won final approval to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri after being nominated by President George W. Bush in December.
Limbaugh is a cousin to conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh
New DNC video blasts McCain's latest Iraq gaffe
Three gaffs by McCain on the Iraq war. Tell me, what would Republicans do if Obama had three gaffes? Wouldn't we hear the outrage made by them on every talk show there is?
Look what they did to him on Rev. Wright! I thought that was amazing considering Hagee, Robertson, and others in the Republican party regularly say outrageous things as well!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
E.D. Hill Apologized For Fist Jab Comment, Sort Of
The media is reporting it an apology. Actually she never apologized as far as I can see. She said, she doesn't believe it was a terrorist jab. She said she was reporting what the media had been saying.
Until she planted that doubt last Friday, I never heard the media mention it!
Until she planted that doubt last Friday, I never heard the media mention it!
Kucinich Introduces Bush Impeachment Resolution
Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinichdefied his party leadership on Monday by calling for the impeachment of U.S. President George W. Bush for launching the Iraq war -- but his move was not expected to go anywhere.
The Ohio representative outlined his intention to propose more than two dozen charges against Bush on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Kucinich, a former presidential candidate, accused Bush executing a "calculated and wide-ranging strategy" to deceive citizens and Congress into believing that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Judiciary Committee Officially Requests McClellan Testimony
From an email from Rep. Robert Wexler’s office:
Judiciary Committee Officially Requests Scott McClellan Testimony for Friday, June 20
Wexler Plans Tough Questions About Possible Obstruction of Justice By Cheney, Rove, and Libby
(Washington, DC) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) applauded the decision by Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers to invite former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to testify under oath about the shocking revelations and possible illegal actions by members of the Bush Administration that he detailed in his book What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception.
Immediately following the book’s release, Congressman Wexler called for Congress to investigate the charges made by McClellan regarding the Bush Administration’s campaign to go to war with Iraq and efforts by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby to possibly obstruct justice during the Valerie Plame matter.
“The earth-shattering admissions made by Scott McClellan in his new book warrant a sober and thorough hearing in the House Judiciary Committee and he should immediately accept the Committee’s request for his testimony,” said Congressman Wexler. “The allegations made by McClellan that Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and possibly even Vice President Dick Cheney, together conspired to obstruct justice by lying about their role in the Plame case relates directly to the core of US executive power and the Constitution. If true, the allegations made by McClellan could amount to an obstruction of justice charge for Scooter Libby and Karl Rove.
“Scott McClellan must appear before Congress and tell the American people, under oath, how the Bush Administration not only obstructed justice during the Valerie Plame investigation but orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to sell an unnecessary war in Iraq to the American people.
“Any efforts by the White House to claim executive privilege and thereby prevent McClellan from testifying would be ludicrous due to the fact that McClellan has already spoken at length about many of these matters both in his book and on numerous television interviews.”
Judiciary Committee Officially Requests Scott McClellan Testimony for Friday, June 20
Wexler Plans Tough Questions About Possible Obstruction of Justice By Cheney, Rove, and Libby
(Washington, DC) Today Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) applauded the decision by Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers to invite former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan to testify under oath about the shocking revelations and possible illegal actions by members of the Bush Administration that he detailed in his book What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception.
Immediately following the book’s release, Congressman Wexler called for Congress to investigate the charges made by McClellan regarding the Bush Administration’s campaign to go to war with Iraq and efforts by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby to possibly obstruct justice during the Valerie Plame matter.
“The earth-shattering admissions made by Scott McClellan in his new book warrant a sober and thorough hearing in the House Judiciary Committee and he should immediately accept the Committee’s request for his testimony,” said Congressman Wexler. “The allegations made by McClellan that Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and possibly even Vice President Dick Cheney, together conspired to obstruct justice by lying about their role in the Plame case relates directly to the core of US executive power and the Constitution. If true, the allegations made by McClellan could amount to an obstruction of justice charge for Scooter Libby and Karl Rove.
“Scott McClellan must appear before Congress and tell the American people, under oath, how the Bush Administration not only obstructed justice during the Valerie Plame investigation but orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to sell an unnecessary war in Iraq to the American people.
“Any efforts by the White House to claim executive privilege and thereby prevent McClellan from testifying would be ludicrous due to the fact that McClellan has already spoken at length about many of these matters both in his book and on numerous television interviews.”
Bush/McCain Are the Same!
Ninety-five percent of the time, last years, McCain voted with Bush on major issues.
Starts at about the two minute mark.
Starts at about the two minute mark.
Ron Paul On John McCain
This video was put together by Ron Paul. Remember it was made when the candidates for the Republican Party were still campaigning.
Is this someone you want as President?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Why is McCain getting $58,000 a year in disability income?
Kudos to John Aravosis from Americablog for asking this question. Why is he getting $58,000 a year in disability income? I drew disability for 10 years straight, and when I went back to work two years ago, my disability stopped after nine months of work. So how is it that John McCain can work as a Senator and still draw $58,000 a year?
As John pointed out, this is the same John McCain that thinks the new GI bill in congress is too generous to the troops. Really John? Don't you think your $58,000 is too generous?
As John pointed out, this is the same John McCain that thinks the new GI bill in congress is too generous to the troops. Really John? Don't you think your $58,000 is too generous?
Novak On McCain Adviser’s Claim That Obama Is 3rd Bush Term: ‘Silliest Thing I Have Ever Heard!’
When Bob Novak thinks is silly, then you know it must be a bad talking point!
The video was taken from Bloomberg TV.
The video was taken from Bloomberg TV.
Could McClellan’s Book Reignite The Valerie Plame Business?
Lawyers from the White House fear it may!
On NBC’s The Chris Matthews Show today, Time magazine assistant managing editor Michael Duffy said that the renewed attention to the scandal is causing White House lawyers to be “very concerned”:
DUFFY: White House lawyers are concerned, very concerned, now that Scott McClellan’s book has led Henry Waxman and John Conyers to take another look at the Valerie Plame business. There may be hearings. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald may be called. Just another way in which a Democratic Congress might make a difference during the fall.
On NBC’s The Chris Matthews Show today, Time magazine assistant managing editor Michael Duffy said that the renewed attention to the scandal is causing White House lawyers to be “very concerned”:
DUFFY: White House lawyers are concerned, very concerned, now that Scott McClellan’s book has led Henry Waxman and John Conyers to take another look at the Valerie Plame business. There may be hearings. Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald may be called. Just another way in which a Democratic Congress might make a difference during the fall.
Producer of O'Reilly Factor ambushes Moyers at conference
Bill handles himself well and respectfully. It didn't go well for producer Porter Barry.
The video is rather long, however, it is worth watching.
The video is rather long, however, it is worth watching.
Senator Graham: McCain's Policies Would "Absolutely" Be An Extension Of Bush's
Lindsey and John McCain are close allies. I am sure, John didn't want Senator Graham to say this!
So much for helping John distance himself from President Bush.
So much for helping John distance himself from President Bush.
Interesting Past Statement Made by John McCain
It will be interesting to see if his straight talk express continues when and if he is confronted with this statement.
It was a shameful thing to ask men to suffer and die, to persevere through god-awful afflictions and heartache, to endure the dehumanizing experiences that are unavoidable in combat, for a cause that the country wouldn’t support over time and that our leaders so wrongly believed could be achieved at a smaller cost than our enemy was prepared to make us pay. No other national endeavor requires as much unshakable resolve as war. If the nation and the government lack that resolve, it is criminal to expect men in the field to carry it alone.
It will be interesting to see if his straight talk express continues when and if he is confronted with this statement.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Bush's Saturday Radio Address
Radio Address
The sticking point is Jim Webb's GI Bill. The same bill that most of Congress supported. Yet Bush and McCain do not.
Seems they want to support the troops with guns and bullets, but when they come home, they are on their own.
Congress will soon vote on legislation to fund our troops serving on the front lines of the war on terror.
...there is no reason for further delay...the bill must not exceed the reasonable and responsible funding levels I have requested... the time has come for them to support our troops in harm's way...Our men and women in uniform and their families deserve better than this...our troops are taking on dangerous missions with skill and determination...the men and women of our Armed Forces risk their lives to make sure their fellow citizens are safer...They've earned the respect of all Americans...Congress should pass a responsible funding bill that gives our men and women in uniform the resources they need -- and the support they have earned.
The sticking point is Jim Webb's GI Bill. The same bill that most of Congress supported. Yet Bush and McCain do not.
Seems they want to support the troops with guns and bullets, but when they come home, they are on their own.
Worst Persons in the World
Joe called the Democratic party the democrat party. That has always been a typical Republican talking point.
McCain Aide Says Bush Knows Little About Economy
Douglas Holtz-Eakin said the only similarity between McCain's economic plan and Bush's is a commitment to keep taxes low.
``Sadly, it seems that is all President Bush understood in the economy,'' Holtz-Eakin said in an interview to be broadcast this weekend on Bloomberg Television's ``Conversations with Judy Woodruff.'' It is Barack Obama's budget plan, not Senator McCain's, that resembles Bush's policies, he said.
``It's dedicated to the recent Bush tradition of spending money on everything,'' Holtz-Eakin said.
Biden Hits McCain on Spying
CBS News:
Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Joe Biden, a former presidential candidate seen as a potential running mate for Barack Obama, has issued a statement regarding John McCain's apparent belief that the practice of wiretapping without warrants is legal....
In his statement, Biden wrote that the FISA statute, which he helped draft, "made clear the exclusive legal steps the President must take in order to conduct national security surveillance."
"President Bush chose to ignore the law and now it seems Senator McCain will continue this policy," Biden writes. "Once again – there is no daylight between President Bush and Sen. McCain."
"We all share the goal of capturing the terrorists and protecting national security and we can do that without violating the privacy of the American people," he added. "Like President Bush, Sen. McCain is presenting the American people with a false choice—national security or civil liberties. We need a President who understands that we can have both. It’s what our values and our Constitution demands."
Hillary suspends campaign
She tells her followers to get behind Senator Obama.
The speech was the best speech she has given in all of the campaign.
The speech was the best speech she has given in all of the campaign.
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