Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Another GOP Senator pleads with Barr to quit

Of special interest in this front-page article on

Barr said a GOP senator recently approached him to ask that he drop his White House bid, a request that has come from more than one Republican since he received the Libertarian Party nomination in May. The senator’s plea­ fell on deaf ears. (­Barr would not reveal the lawmaker’s identity).

“What they say is, ‘It’s not that we disagree with what you’re doing, Barr. It’s not that we don’t understand. We do understand, and we actually agree with what you’re saying, but we don’t want to vote against a Republican because that might help the Democrat,’ ” Barr said of the talks he has had with those who want him to quit.

1 comment:

mzha said...

Why do they allow Barr to run on a ticket at the end of the election? Is it that he can save time and expense of running a campaign? I do not call this a fair system. I think whether you are running on an independent or not you should have to sign on in the beginning of the primary like the other two candidates. Let them get funding from supporters also.