Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Can we trust McCain

As the video explains, the McCain camp is saying Obama cannot be trusted and is asking and telling America to trust him. He will give you the straight talk on all issues, but is that true? Can McCain be trusted?

His many, "I was either for it or against it, or against it before I was for it:"

1. A grass roots lobbying bill he once supported. The bill was McCain/Fiengold. Yes that is right, he is now against campaign finance reform of a bill he once cosponsored.

2. He is now against the immigration bill he introduced with and supported about a year ago.

3. In 2006 on Hardball, "I think Gay Marriage should be allowed." Then immediately after the commercial said, " I do not think Gay Marriage should be legal.?

4. Abortion 1999, supporting Roe v Wade publicly, but privately, he opposed it sending a letter to the National Right to Life Committee. In the 2000 election platform he was instrumental in changing it to include exceptions for rape, incest or when the life of the mother is at stake. May 2008, ABC News tells us McCain will not support Roe v Wade.

5. Flipped about storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain.

6. Military action against Rouge States, flipped.

7. Negotiating with North Korea is not acceptable. That is until President Bush did it last week.

8. Negotiating with Castro was agreeable for him in 2000 but not now in 2008.

9. Talking to terrorist was OK when Colin Powell went to Syria. Was OK when McCain said sooner or later we would have to talk to Hamas, but now he is saying no way. It is appeasement.

10. Unilateral action against terrorists in Pakistan. He claimed Obama showed confused leadership when he mentioned it, yet he didn't say the same thing about Bush when he actually did it!

11. Warrantless wiretaps, McCain said 6 months ago, "Presidents need to obey the law." They don't have to obey the law now.

12. Torture detainees he was against, except for the CIA. Holding prisoners indefinitely at Gitmo, wrong in 2003, right in 2008.

13. Iraq war:

  • The right course 2004
  • Stay the course 2005

Yet today, McCain has ALWAYS been a Rumsfeld critic.

14. Tax cuts for the rich. In 2001, "Could not in good conscious support them. Now he can. So much for 'good conscious.'

15. The Estate Tax. In 2006 he said he agreed with President Roosevelt who created it. Now in 2008, the Estate Tax is "most unfair."

16. This month is not for privatising Social Security, "Never has been." In 2004 he said he didn't, "see how benefits would last without it."

17. February claimed he would balance the budget in years. In April, make that 8 years.

18. May of 2008 glad to look at the Windfall Profit Tax. Then in June he brushed it off as being Jimmy Carter's idea.

19. In 2000 he said no new offshore drilling because it would take years to develop. This month he now says it will be very helpful in the short term.

20 Bush fundraisers McCain called 'coyotes' in 2000. Now in 2006 they co chair McCain fundraisers.

21. Jerry Falwell an agent of intolerance in 2000. Rev. Hagee in and out this year.

22. 1983 opposed Martin Luther King Day. Today, not as much.

23. 1986 opposed South African Divestment. He praised it this month!

24. Defended South Carolina's Confederate Flag in 2002. Calling it, "A symbol of heritage." Two years later he called it "an act of political cowardice not to say the flag should come down!" Quote: CBS News October, 15, 2002;

"Everybody said, 'Oh look out, you can't win in South Carolina if you say that.'"

25. Evolution. In 2005 alternatives to evolution should be taught in school. Flipped over what he said in 2000.

What does the McCain camp say about his positions? They 'evolve.' Yet, they also say we can't trust Obama because he goes back on his word. How many times has McCain did that or will do that yet again?

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