Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Are you better off today than 8 years ago

In yesterdays Hardball Chris Matthews mentioned something to the Republican pundit that was trying to spin everything about the economy. She also tried to scare(his words as well) voters into voting for McCain, and when cornered she would say basically it is the Democrats fault.

Anyway he gave out some economic indicators in this segment that is sobering! So sobering that we need to look at them closely, then ask ourselves, are we better than we were 8 years ago?

Unemployment Rate inauguration day 2001.- 4.2%

Unemployment Rate Now 6.1% Chris noted that .2% higher than when Kennedy and Nixon were running for President.

Budget inauguration day 2001 281 Billion Surplus

Budget now 357 Billion Deficit and rising.

Debt inauguration day 2001 5,7 Trillion.

Debt now 9.7 Trillion.

Are you better off? Where will this country be 4 years from now with yet another McCain/Bush, lobbyists control, Republican President?

Instead of letting the Republicans scare people into voting for McCain over terrorism, Democrats need to scare voters into voting for them, or there won't be a country left to defend!

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