Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bill Kristol never let's facts get in the way!

In his NY Times column of May 13, he makes mention of the fact Clinton defeated Obama by 41 points and went pn to further say:

On Tuesday night, while the G.O.P. Congressional candidate was losing in a Mississippi district George Bush carried in 2004 by 25 points, Barack Obama was being trounced in the West Virginia Democratic primary — by 41 points. I can’t find a single recent instance of a candidate who ultimately became his party’s nominee losing a primary by this kind of margin.

Oh really? If he means recent as, let's say last week, his statement is correct because there are no contenders in the Rebublican campaign other than Ron Paul.

If on the other hand, Mr Kristol meant, let's say 3 months ago? He is wrong. All one has to do is a google search!

Their candidate John McCain was beaten by Romney in Utah 90% to 5%! I know that is not 41%, but it is 85%! That was last February.

Mike Huckabee on the same day beat McCain by 41% in Arkansas.

Mitt Romney defeated Bush again in the Colorado caucus by 41%!

If Mr. Kristol is trying to insinuate that Barack Obama is unelectable because of the trouncing he took in West Virginia, then according to his own logic, McCain is even more unelectable!

ThinkProgress.org adds that this is not the first time Mr. Kristol has gotten his facts wrong.

"This is at least the third time that Kristol has gotten the facts wrong in his Times column. In his debut column, Kristol misattributed a quote by Michael Medved to Michelle Malkin. Later, Kristol falsely claimed Obama was in church on a day that he was not."

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