Saturday, May 17, 2008

Bush’s appeasement speech angers Europeans, too.

The Guardian: President without shame:

It is outrageous for an American president to use the term “appeasement” in describing the policy of an opponent when speaking before the parliament of a foreign nation. Democrats have rightly reacted with deep anger to this affront. It seems that when it comes to American traditions, George Bush is content to play Samson and topple the pillars of the temple in order to smash precedents he dislikes. What he forgets is that Samson not only killed his enemy, the Philistines, but himself as well.

Bush’s interminable and self-destructive presidency will continue to be so till the bitter end. And if he can topple the campaign of his political enemy, he’s prepared to bring the walls down on himself as well. So ends one of the most shameful of American presidencies.

Telegraph: Barack Obama's lapel politics:

Midday update: Mr Obama has just started to speak in South Dakota. He is denouncing President George W Bush’s frankly outrageous appeasement slur in Israel. And yes, he’s wearing an American flag pin…

The Independent: Obama attacks President for 'appeasers' jibe:

On yesterday’s evidence Mr Bush is prepared to use the bully pulpit of the presidency to do whatever it takes to keep Mr Obama out of the White House.

The Times:Bush-Obama-McCain and Appeasement:

I can’t help but think that all this might be proof of something Newt Gingrich suggested a couple of weeks ago. if Republicans think they can win this election by attacking Obama on the usual grounds that he’s a weak-kneed friend of terrorists and appeasers, they are sorely wrong. The Republicans’ own record on national security is now so badly damaged that for them to claim that the Democrats can’t be trusted sounds to most ears like that old definition of chutzpah - the child who murders both his parents and then claims the law’s protection because he’s an orphan.

1 comment:

Matt C said...

John McCain should know the difference between talking with someone and appeasing them. Unlike Bush and Obama, he was actually alive when Chamberlain appeased Hitler in 1938.

Why do we take Hamas's comments on Obama at face value anyway? Everyone thought bin Laden was speaking in favor of John Kerry with his "October surprise" video in 2004, now even the CIA concludes that it was a calculated attempt to help President Bush. The terrorists are very pleased with the current US policy which has allowed Hamas to seize the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah to take western Beirut.

I have more details at Gawksquawk