Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bush An "Appeaser," Says Egyptian Press

Egypt's state-owned press opened fire Saturday on U.S. President George W. Bush as he arrived for talks with regional leaders at the conclusion of a five-day Mideast tour.

"The Torah-inspired speech of Bush raised question marks over the credibility of the U.S. role in the Middle East," wrote Mursi Atallah, the publisher of Al-Ahram, the flagship daily of the state-owned press. "Bush aims to do nothing but appeasing Israel."

Well, there appears to be more than one way to use the word "appeaser." Seems like Egypt is using this to describe President Bush, and his failed policies.

A second Egyptian newspaper had this to say:

A front page editorial in Al-Gomhouria, another Egyptian state-owned daily, described Mr. Bush as "a failed president who delivers nothing but a lousy speech."

First of all, in another blog earlier last week, I have already said how appauled I am at the fact that President Bush would use a day of celebration in Israel to play partisian politics directed back home in the states. If his intention was to send a message to neighboring countries as well, it didn't work. The newspapers go on to say they are laughing at him! One even posting a picture of Mr. Bush hugging Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and captioned it "lovers."

The sad thing about all of this is, the nation is not willing to rally behind him and his policies. Judging by the low approval rating he has had for some time now, we tend to agree with the nations around Israel.

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