Thursday, May 22, 2008

GI Passed!

Bush/McCain dealt defeat on Iraq bill:

Senate Republicans have broken with President Bush to help Democrats add help for veterans and the unemployed to a bill paying for another year of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

The 75-22 vote also adds billions of dollars in other domestic funds such as heating subsidies for the poor and money for fighting wildfires to the $165 billion for the military operations overseas.

The vote is a rebuke to Bush, who has promised to veto the measure if it contains the domestic measures. However, the president still has enough GOP support to sustain a veto.

The bill has passed. We shall now see who really supports the troops! It will interesting to see if the Republicans that backed the bill, will change their vote when the Presidents asks them to!

In another article today, Senator McCain called the bill "too generous." I disagree. The troops are volunteers! They enlist and many have been sent back to the middle east numerous times! Sometimes without the normal time off and many times without being 100% able to perform their normal duties!

Too generous? I think not.

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