Friday, May 23, 2008

Hillary explains why she is staying in

Both her husband and the assassinated Bobby Kennedy never wrapped up their campaign until June. Many people found her reasoning and the use of Bobby Kennedy as being offensive.

First of all, I have read some other blogs where the blogger was saying what she meant was Obama might get assassinated! I am not of that camp. That type of reasoning never crossed my mind. That being said, I think the fact that Teddy Kennedy is fighting brain cancer at this time, that bringing up the assassination of his brother, the second such assassination in the family was not a good comparison. What made matters worse was the official statement coming from Hillary's camp!

I am paraphrasing, they said in no uncertain terms that what she was talking about was the idea that both campaigns were not decided until June, and anyone trying to read anything into this was being outrageous.

To Hillary's credit, she very quickly made the correct response herself to a reporter soon after that statement. She toned down the mood of the official statement and apologized to the Kennedy's and to anyone that was offended by her original statement.

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