Friday, May 23, 2008

Keith Olbermann Special Comment to Hillary Clinton 5/23

I am going to flip-flop my opinion on this entire ordeal. As you may or may not already know, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt when she made that statement today that she was referring to the month of June and nothing more. I was thinking this was an innocent gaffe because she said the Kennedy's have been on her mind as of late. He has been on my mind as well. However, thanks to Keith Olbermann and Countdown by means of MSNBC, I learned something today I was not aware of. This was not the first time she mentioned Bobby Kennedy or his assassination. Therefore, I take back what I said earlier. I cannot defend her anymore on this. She is clearly wanting, and maybe expecting Obama to be shot and killed! As Keith said for her to wait around until someone actually does that, makes her unfit to be President.

Below are Keith's remarks on the other times she mentioned June and Bobby Kennedy.

  • Firstly, she has previously bordered on the remarks she made today...

    Then swerved back from them and the awful skid they represented. She said, in an off-camera interview with **Time** on March 6th...

    "Primary contests used to last a lot longer. We all remember the great tragedy of Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in June in L.A. My husband didn't wrap up the nomination in 1992 until June, also in California. Having a primary contest go through June is nothing
    particularly unusual. We will see how it unfolds as we go forward over the next three to four months."

    In retrospect, we failed her when we did not call her out, for that remark, dry and only disturbing, in a magazine's pages.

  • But somebody obviously warned her of the danger of that rhetoric:

    After the Indiana primary, on May 7th, she told supporters at a Washington hotel:

    "Sometimes you gotta calm people down a little bit. But if you look at successful presidential campaigns, my husband did not get the nomination until June of 1992. I remember tragically when Senator Kennedy won California near the end of that process."

    And at Shepherdstown, West Virginia, on the same day, she referenced it again:

    "You know, I remember very well what happened in the California primary in 1968 as, you know, Senator Kennedy won that primary."

Keith pointed out that she had avoided using the words assassination because obviously someone had told her it was not a good idea, but for some reason she chose to use it again. Assassination. Fear.

He brought up another good point, she sort of apologized to the Kennedy's, but what about Obama? Not a word. Not one word.

I read Andrew Sullivan's comments on this today and I am paraphrasing them because I agree with what he said in jest. Hillary has been waiting around for something to happen. An assassination or implosion by Obama. Today we may have witnessed an implosion by Hillary.

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